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GET /api/v1/stats/aggregate

This endpoint aggregates metrics over a certain time period. If you are familiar with the vince dashboard, this endpoint corresponds to the top row of stats that include Unique Visitors Pageviews, Bounce rate and Visit duration. You can retrieve any number and combination of these metrics in one request.

❯ curl -s  "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/stats/aggregate?site_id=$SITE_ID&period=6mo&property=visit:source&metrics=visitors,bounce_rate" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" |jq .
  "bounce_rate": 0,
  "visitors": 120


site_id Required

Domain of your site on vince.

period Optional

See time periods. If not specified, it will default to 30d.

metrics Optional

Comma-separated list of metrics to aggregate, e.g. visitors,pageviews,bounce_rate. See the list of available metrics above.

If not specified, will default to visitors.

Some metrics can only be queried with a certain filter. For example, the conversion_rate metric can only be queried with a filter on event:goal. Similarly, time_on_page can only be queried with an event:page filter.

filters Optional

See filtering