vince v.11.6 has been released.

Pebble and The One Billion Row Challenge with Roaring Bitmaps

Table of Contents

We use Pebble Key Value Store and roaring bitmaps at the core of vince - A self hosted alternative to Google analytics. This blog post tackles The One Billion Row Challenge using pebble and roaring bitmaps.

This challenge has very similar use case like vince, we have two columns, one for weather stations (with low cardinality) and another for temperature (with high cardinality).


Pebble is the underlying key value storage for cockroachdb and has been used in production since 2020.

Full source code of the implementation has been released as robin. And can be installed locally with,

go install

Generate data

Instructions taken and followed from here

I am on a Mac

❯ sdk install java 21.0.1-zulu
❯ sdk use java 21.0.1-zulu
  • Build the test data generator
❯ ./mvnw clean verify
  • Generate the test data
❯ ./ 1000000000

The last step will create a file measurements.txt with the 1 billion rows.

Load data to pebble

❯ time robin index index ../1brc/measurements.txt
elapsed 3m17.949667333s
robin index index ../1brc/measurements.txt  185.25s user 12.78s system 99% cpu 3:18.99 total

The command tells robin to index ../1brc/measurements.txt and store the result into a pebble database in index directory.


The main goal is to observe efficiency on our index format in terms of storage and query. Most of the time/cpu is spent on parsing, and also we perform compaction after indexing.

Index storage efficiency

Origial sounce size on disk

❯ ls -lh ../1brc/measurements.txt 
-rw-r--r--  1 vince  admin    13G Nov 27 19:49 ../1brc/measurements.txt

Index result size on disk

❯ du -h index 
3.1G    index

Interesting result, we were able to reduce 13GB to only 3.1GB.

Compressed Roaring Bitmap Index

This is the only index used by vince, and has its roots in Pilosa which was a global bitmap index. I extracted the roaring bitmap implementation from pilosa and spent the last 2 years researching on how to apply their indexing strategy for web analytics events.

Pilosa went out of business and their bitmap related posts are no longer acceccible. I will try in the future to write more about roaring bitmap indexes in other blog posts.

You can read more about,

Aggregate Results

All query commands works with already indexed data created in steps before in the index directory.


❯ time robin  -limit=5 query index
    station   min mean  max elapsed
       Abha -36.6 18.0 66.8 
    Abidjan -29.3 26.0 73.2 
     Abéché -20.4 29.4 81.4 
      Accra -20.9 26.4 75.5 
Addis Ababa -31.1 16.0 67.4 
elapsed 2m47.577293416s
robin -limit=5 query index  761.19s user 133.30s system 533% cpu 2:47.62 total

The command computes min, mean and max for all weather station.


You can compute aggregate for only a specific station

❯ time robin  query index Abha         
 station   min mean  max elapsed
    Abha -36.6 18.0 66.8 
elapsed 1.123626083s
robin query index Abha  2.94s user 1.82s system 409% cpu 1.163 total


vince does not have global scan filters. The index is designed for extremely fast filters by specific column value, in our case here we aggregated across a billion rows for only Abha station under 1 second without any optimizations.


pebble is a rock solid key value store that is very efficient and works very well with write heavy workload. Combining pebble and Roaring bitmaps is what makes vince posibble.

I am looking forward to the next release of pebble, they have introduced columnar format for sst tables which will benefit vince , as data is stored and processed in columns.

To members of cockroachdb team who read this, THANK YOU .